Corporate Security and National Security Services
OAM INTERNATIONAL (OAM-I) is a security advisory consultancy with regional offices (operational and administrative) in the MIDDLE EAST, S-E ASIA and AFRICA.
OAM-I advises on effective risk avoidance strategies, crisis planning, evacuation procedures in the event of a breakdown in law and order, and the implementation of disaster recovery planning.
OAM-I provides predeployment briefings, and strategic country-specific security audits to clearly identify current national and regional threats, and to predict and analyse emerging threats.
OAM-I audits existing security services and processes to identify shortcomings and flaws, a common and recurring problem for clients operating in high risk regions.
OAM-I's Australian Principal John GARTNER (see "Bio and Credentials") has extensive international military Special Forces, national intelligence and "hands on" commercial security experience, and has advised Corporate Boards on security strategies in hostile environments, protected high profile/high risk international political identities, and provided practical in-situ support to front-line personnel operating in remote, challenging and high risk environments.
Regardless of the threat, the OAM-I Principal has never been deflected from task nor intimidated by environment. The OAM-I team can always be relied upon to provide the necessary support to protect personnel and minimise risk.
OAM Corporate Booklet https://online.flipbuilder.com/irzm/icnz/


,OAM INTERNATIONAL provides basic and advanced training to general military formations and Special Forces units. Training includes skills transfer in the form of "Train the Trainer" support, complemented by tactical operational support and the continuous monitoring of trainees in the field through embedded advisers working with the Client's military personnel and formations under operational conditions.
Training is delivered by former "Tier 1" Special Forces advisers and instructors.
OAM provides "world's best" LEADERSHIP Training based on practical experience gained through deployment to some of the world's most challenging operating environments, and using principles based on Tier 1 Special Forces service, delivered by consultants with "here and now" experience gained from actual service on the ground, confronting risk firsthand. This Leadership training and capacity enhancement is delivered through a Joint Venture with the internationally experienced risk management and strategic security advisory group, Periculum Management Solutions Pty Ltd (www.periculummgmt.com)
OAM provides specialist equipment (ITAR compliant) to national Defence Forces, appropriate to the role, task and operational environment, and UAV (Drone) support designed to counter external threats through a strategic relationship with major European Defense manufacturer ARMATEC INTERNATIONAL Ltd (www.armatec-international.com and www.safeskydrone.com)
OAM-I presents a tried and tested "state of the art" Battlefield Management System (BMS) and Situational Awareness (SA) and Command and Control (C2) technology for Special Forces and broader Defence Forces formations through a marketing relationship with leading Canadian satellite-based defence communications manufacturer and services provider NORTAC DEFENCE (www.nortacdefence.com)
OAM INTERNATIONAL provides aviation assets and operational aviation support to Infantry formations and Special Forces teams conducting operations in high intensity combat environments.
OAM-I's aviation partner and adviser, Neall Ellis, has an extensive, multi-decades, combat flying pedigree (fixed wing and rotary aircraft), with extensive operational service across Southern Africa, in West Africa, and the Middle East. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1DCxpnqUzE&t=35s)
Neall Ellis has trained and mentored new-generation combat pilots, and continues to present and oversee advanced training in contemporary light attack helicopter tactics, strategies and concepts, across hostile military environments internationally

OAM International's combat aviation adviser , instructor and pilot mentor, Colonel (retd) Neall Ellis

Neall Ellis preparing to lift off

Neall Ellis, "Born and Bred for War", in casual mood

OAM International's combat aviation adviser , instructor and pilot mentor, Colonel (retd) Neall Ellis

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